As the year folding in I thought it might be a good time to put together a thesis that could potentially help close some open loops in my mind, and some drafts I wrote throughout the year. Though no guarantees this end goal will be served, this is low-key my third trial for this thesis.
After possibly 10k words written, I always thought I was still not successful putting together a version that I’d like to read many years from now. This is a thesis about how the world looks like, in my mind. Not a big deal, but I was thinking if I can’t let a day slip by without questioning everything, what’s real and what’s not, then may be it helps if I have some solid thesis about what I do think is real, then may be try build upon it, and may be things will start getting easier from there. A point where I can proceed with normal life, caring about health, happiness, and work – Does this make sense?
I think it was August 10th around 9 o’clock in the pm, when I was sitting with my mother in open air sipping coffee, she was asking about the reason of the hype behind the Barbie-Oppenheimer situation. Both movies were weird, each in its own sense, and I think her question was fairly plausible. I remember -and I don’t know why- while answering this simple question, I kind of blew up. I talked briefly about some opinions I read about both movies, then I kept nagging about how they’re just two small dots on the never-ending line of lies and brainwash, something is obviously quite suspicious going on. I don’t remember everything I said but I was raged at the state of everything. Not that I should’ve though, in hindsight. My main frustration was not just about how these 2 movies were cleverly and timely planted to promote specific ideas and complement one another, but rather due to the rise of the practices of General Systematic Brainwash.
The way I said this -capitalized & all- makes it feel like a program, is it though? Is it THE “General Systematic Brainwash” program? Or are these brainwashing events we randomly talk about just outliers? Because if they’re just outliers, then may be we have nothing to worry about – But this forces another question: how many subsequent -or not subsequent- events can we keep calling “outliers” until the point where none of them is an outlier? Also, and most importantly, is it actually a “rise”? 😅 Or was it just the same since the beginning, and may be my attention to some topics as of lately has been on the rise? Because our experiences & perspectives of some certain things could make the world “feel like” a different place all of a sudden, when in fact it might have been the same place since the beginning.
My blow-up was due to a build-up of events. Events that I interpreted based on my *newer* worldviews. Which up to this point I had lots of accumulation in my mind. All of which directly or indirectly revolve around a question:
- “Are we being actively brainwashed? If so:
- by whom? and
- to what extent? and
- how long has it been the case? and
- what for? and
- what are the implications? and
- what to do about it? (i.e how to unplug?)
The topic of mind control is elaborate and multifaceted. For the casual reader, it can quickly become numbing, overwhelming, and creating a desire to exit the topic, but avoiding it is not ideal either since our only chance of surviving this hideous enslavement agenda, which today threatens virtually all of us, is to understand how it functions and take steps to reduce vulnerability.
Everything I will relate only exposes the surface of the problem. I don't think it is possible to change that which often cannot be detected. I do know that the first step to initiate change is to generate interest. This could probably be considered some underground effort towards the goal of being more independent, detoxed, and self-sufficient.
Mind you that the article’s headline is the last one on the set, so in order to discuss how to break free, we’ll have to go through each of the questions above it, though their specific order is not important. The thesis in this sense becomes a thorough investigation that incomprehensively tries to answer each of these questions, and try articulate an understanding that is often so hard to put in words.
Mixed feelings and multiple interpretations about this word “Rise”. Because it makes me cringe at past versions of myself. I say “this year I’m different” at the end of every year. I think I’m fine with that, it’s called growing up. But each year you become a slightly better version that is also slightly more unable to process how far you’ve come. And because you’re unable to do it, you always like to think “you’re there”. Of course, right? For sure your peers haven’t read the same books, or put in the same work, or lived the same experiences, for sure there has to be some sort of an edge, right?
It’s moments like these that make my head fall off because if I can’t quite quantify how far I’ve come, a simple question like the above could make it feel like it’s SO little, and that, that is quite frustrating. I’m generally not accustomed to a single question messing up with my beliefs all at once, and probably you too. Because it quite literally puts an emphasis on the possibility that I might’ve been the non-playable character for so long when I was actually thinking I was not.
Everyone that knows me knows that I like to track everything. There was a time when I was thinking this is only a black-mirror thing, but now I think it’s not. Now I think I want to NOT FORGET anything even if it was breaking me. I want to quite literally know and measure and quantify and explain how far I’ve come, with data and with numbers. I want to know my stand at all times, stuff I was thinking about, stuff I read about, stuff I was once heavily invested in, things I did, and how they all connect together. I don’t want to just cringe at my previous self, I want to know the reason behind it.
Tracking my thought and activity patterns is the only way I can connect ideas over time and stay sane. Because it’s so easy to lose these connections, I can’t keep a snapshot of everything in my head, and that’s why technology can help, and that’s also why it’s a bet I want to take. If the tools we have today can help me extend my mind beyond what’s biologically possible, that’s a risk I’d like to take, and be in peace with the implications. Because the only alternative of that is stay lost, and at least I know that this is not a favorable outcome.
Circling back to the above, my dissatisfaction of any progress I made in light of a simple question can quite explain how deep and important this question is. Everything you do is going to be part of the reality you’re living. If you question this reality, anything you do becomes quite insignificant. The reason why it’s so hard to wake people up to topics they’ve been lied to about is because they have to see how one lie is merely a thread that leads to a whole web of lies.
There’s just no way I can claim to “investigate” a lie, without investigating the ones that lead to it, and the ones that emerge from it. Which at the same time clearly explains why the discomforting feeling –I discussed above, towards stuff we think is normalized but shouldn’t– can seem vague but also common. In order to look into why one thing is weird and off, you have to SEE HOW MANY stuff is weird and off. You have to be ready to dismantle many of the things you’ve been told about reality, and you have to challenge lots of your beliefs that you grew up thinking were set in stone. It’s so hard to think –yet write– about it. Most people can not psychologically handle this level of disillusionment. It’s so much effort; an extreme psychological toll that most people would understandably prefer not to pay.
“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they’ve been fooled” – Mark Twain
Every discomforting lie I once thought about, was deeply & utterly connected to another set of discomforting lies. All the pile of accumulated open loops up to this point has brought me to always question if it was really the case that people are being zombied down? This question consumed me, admittedly more than it should. It snuck its way to me every time I see or read even normal things. It made me question everything I see in real life, and it made me question everything I read online. It made me question every form of consumption I do, everyone I interact with, and it fcuked up with my reality really hard, in a way I’m not proud of.
I think this effect climaxed in October of this year. I honestly don’t remember when was the last time I felt that incapable, dark, and unmotivated to do basic stuff. The web consumed me. I had nightmares for weeks straight, I got caught in the darkest of rabbit holes on the internet, which even then I always knew there exists even darker stuff. At one point in my life I thought I knew some truth to some things, until suddenly I had to absorb that I didn’t. Up to this point I used to believe I have already planted enough seeds to pick me up from any low, and to be honest it always worked. Whenever I’m low, I’d normally be back in a few days. I used to believe that there’s nothing on this earth that a good sense of purpose & community could not help recover from. And I always had those in place so I always thought I’d be fine. Until that month, I was not.
During October, I found it very alarming how many of my friends, just like me, ignored everything in their lives & work, and sat down to read. Almost all of us knew something was wrong, that something has probably been happening that is bigger than the headlines, but we never cared to dig deeper until now. While Gaza was being bombed, we found out that a huge part of our generation -me included- didn’t previously know specifics about the Palestinian conflict until now. But not just that, we suddenly found out how deep geopolitics, religions, economics, and technology are implicitly connected!
Never in my life had I been invested in politics. Even when extreme events were taking place. My stance was always firm that lots of things are out of my control, and that my attention better be allocated towards things I can control. The reason this is so tragic for us, especially my generation, is this may have been the first time for us to be in the loop. We haven’t been put in a place to process an atrocity this severe since we were born as the one being carried out by the Israelis right here & now. We sort of took extreme guarantees that politics is handling itself in the background, that it’s not our job to dig for the truth, or whatever.
In October, things changed, but not only that, I might have actually known more about the history of nations (not just Palestine) during one month than I did my entire life. I would always feel incapable & frustrated, so I was deliberately ignoring it. The current events in Palestine made it impossible to ignore anymore. It made me feel like even if this education adds to my long-lasting frustration, holding the truth might in itself be rewarding.
Since Oct 7th, the #1 challenge for lots of people like me has been how & where to seek the truth. I can vividly see it on everyone, they are as lost as I am. We never actually questioned the headlines – We were used to deal with them, but not question them. We never could’ve known that the truth is SO HARD to get, and that we were actively being manipulated for the length of our lives. From the surface it might seem that headlines about politics are misleading, but wait until you find out how everything is misleading, not just politics.
Amid all of these advancements, and all new knowledge about politics, conflicts, religions, history, I feel I was magnetically drawn to zoom in one aspect of these tragic events: “Mainstream Media Brainwash” – Why? Because it had huge overlap with my pending question from above. The question that is the main motive behind this article, and whose answer is going to build the founding body of this thesis. After all, it’s a clear hook – Media brainwashing is one important aspect of a “General Systematic Brainwash” program, if there ever was such a thing.
I’m going to give all my findings, so let me go through some aspects that together contribute to the thesis. I’m going to discuss:
- some open-ended questions I think are generally presenting themselves in the face of anyone that might be interested in -very- basic reasoning
- how deeply intertwined is someone’s religious/spiritual orientation and their perception of reality –that is the world around them, the people, the system, and their motives–
- how to unplug
Some open-ended questions
When I look back at some of the things I wrote in my notes during the past few years, I found that many times I’d call out my frustration about things I didn’t yet understand. I was always feeling a discomfort that the deepest truths are hidden. And it was not just me, there seems to be a consensus of unsettlement around many topics – Lots of people are feeling the same discomfort towards topics like: Schools, Sugar, News, Sports, Media, Hiphop, Genders, Pandemics, Drugs, and the list goes on.
How is it okay that, sugar, which is the #1 poison, normalized in food among children age groups? Cereals? Those poor children who can’t choose anything, how is it okay for their parents to mess with their hormones at such young age? How is it okay for corporations to exploit common illiteracy for money & advertise food with ingredients that they know were once prohibited? And how is this sugar-poisoned packaged food actively being produced? What kind of evil is that?
4 years ago, and right after my graduation, I wrote down some thoughts in 19Oct03 | How to hack the educational system – I was thinking how some stuff I learned about making money was wrong, and was starting to replace an entire mindset & belief system that I then knew quite well won’t do anything for me on the long run. 4 years forward I found that for the length of these years I actually spent an insane amount of time just unlearning. I now believe that if by an act of sheer luck I was left with zero guidance instead of false guidance between the age of 15 to 20, I could’ve been well off very early on. Everything I learned about life, work, and money, I had to learn it myself, and at my own pace, no one taught me anything, and everyone who promised me any teaching was a scam in disguise unbeknownst to them. And there are lots of people like me. How’s it normal that the same school system that’s supposed to teach us how to live well end up being the same reason we’re ripped off every last bit of creativity or basic reasoning for good living?
How is it okay that the algorithms have grown much more powerful to know more about our lives & tastes than what we might already know of? And if this is the case today, where is this going? I mean I can’t unsee the fact that people who spend extensive hours scrolling on their phones are fulfilling on that dark part we see in shows of the dystopian future – Black Mirror, West World, etc. Could it be the case that these shows accurately represent our future?
At some point I didn’t quite understand how COVID happened? What are the chances of this being an act of coincidence in a random lab? And how was the world so prepared to deal with it on that timely note for it to end as an emergency in under 18 months? Everything seemed so organized & taken care of, for such a coincidental outbreak! How is it okay for us to swallow it?
I think one of the worst days in my life was the day I got the Pfizer vaccine. I went to take the first shot because I needed a paper to travel, then I spent the night in an internet rabbit hole, I almost entered panic mode. After I read the news, I felt I was a fool. It was May 2022 and I had been so detached from the news, but for some reason I started to look into it that night. The vaccine didn’t cause any physical discomfort for me over the next few days as opposed to what has been reported by some people, but I think I got into panic mode just from reading the news, it made me uncomfortable and it was so big I kept yapping about it for over a week. I remember at some point father told me that even if there was something suspicious about it, all of my family, and almost everyone I know, everyone that matters, has already taken the vaccine at this point, so it doesn’t really matter. I don’t know why this was comforting. I kept away from talking about it anymore, I faked the 2nd shot to be able to travel, and that was a wrap.
By now I know more than enough about how Covid was the biggest scam our generation has passed through, and how we’re being exposed to experiments that we chose to engage with at our own will, seemingly.
How is it okay for someone to emerge out of no where and “identify” as whatever they like? What does it mean “identify”? And if so, why can’t a terrorist “identify” as a peacemaker? If anyone is supposed to take a male who identifies as a female at their word, what does it take to prevent anyone from identifying as anything? How is it possible that schools are pushing more children under the age of 10 to make-believe they’re not their gender?
There were times when I was overly invested in nutrition, these times taught me everything I need to know about how nutrition alone can help prevent & revert all types of common diseases. In 2020, I read “How Not to Die” by Dr. Michael Greger. A dense book; the first half was about the most common causes of death, and the second half was about whole foods, and the function of different food groups.
The idea was that a whole-food diet can prevent all types of diseases that might cause death. It showed me that the body has an indescribable ability to heal itself, we just have to allow it to do so without enforcing further destruction via trash food. The idea that nutrition could be so powerful seems so good to be true. An obvious question would be: If that is true, why isn’t it the case that many people –with or without a medical background– talk about it? If cure & prevention with nutrition were so easy & so cheap, one would think that nutrition should be one of the most important aspects of medicine & life in general.
At least 50% of my friends (in their 20s) are suffering health-wise. I hear the most frightening stories from people that are not even 30 yet. Even worse, we now exchange memes that NORMALIZE being weak & helpless in our youth. Just some of the cases:
- Anemia / Iron deficiency
- Vit D deficiency (LOL)
- Lower back problems
- Acne
- Diabetes
- High blood pressure
- ACL (Anterior cruciate ligament)
- Migraine
- Insomnia / Sleep disturbances
- Parasites
And the list goes on. I don’t ever think this was the case just one or two generations back.
In 2016 & 17, my two grandparents passed away. Their last days were almost identical, even though in two different years. I’m quite sure anyone reading this who lost a grandparent would know how these days look like: a medical protocol that’s carefully designed to squeeze the last bit of money from the family of the deceased in exchange to a fake hope for a few more days, which even in many cases, EXPEDITES the death instead of slow it down – I have what backs this claim.
9/ *very important*
In 2017, my mum was diagnosed with cancer. It was some of the worst times of my life. Over the next few months, she went with the standard cancer treatment industry protocol, which comprises of 3 stages: Chemotherapy, Radiation Therapy, and Hormone Therapy. The hormone therapy being the longest-term of the three, it lasts for 6-7 years, depending on the case. Now it seems that this is the standard and she is supposed to get better and everything is okay. But no, her cancer was cured, but her immune system was left worsened by multifold. Which due to chemo & radiation, lead to an array of other problems over the next few years.
One of these problems was DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis), it is when one or more blood clots are formed inside deep veins of the body, especially the legs. Without diving into details, DVT is a direct side effect of Tamoxifen, the drug behind her hormone therapy pill. DVT was a direct potential cause of years of buildup on hormone therapy that COULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED IF WE KNEW IT, yet the oncologist barely mentioned it during her countless visits through 3.5 years at this point when we discovered it.
When we let him know about this, he just coldly advised her to change her hormone therapy pill, for another one that doesn’t include Tamoxifen. He didn’t say ANYTHING about Tamoxifen, nor that there was another alternative.
When I did the basic research, it didn’t seem so complicated. It seemed that even someone WITHOUT a medical background could’ve seen it coming had they done the correct research. And even worse, everything at these hospitals & clinics seemed so predestined. There doesn’t seem to be any kind of “process” other than taking money. How come that he didn’t mention it? Next visit when I went with her, I wasn’t allowed in the room after the first 5 minutes. Doctors don’t like it when you ask questions.
Conveniently enough, he recommended a Vascular Diseases doctor that he knew. A 70-something that seems to know what he’s doing. After looking at the history and examination, he said “She’ll be fine”, prescribed a standard blood thinner, and told her to limit her movement for the next 6 weeks.
That’s it. No questions about her diet, no nutrition recommendations, nothing! But how? Every time I ask, how is this? How is diet not important? I always tried my best to help her control her diet and beware of her intake, but I wished it could’ve been part of the “specialist” prescription! And every time it was not. I once called the former oncologist on phone to ask about something that was not clear in the pathology report, the conversation went like this:
[me] I wanted to ask about <…>
[him] at 12 am?
[me] yes, at 12 am
[him] *goes on to briefly explain it*
[me] great, also wanted to ask, why isn’t there any type of diet restriction?
[him] she doesn’t need one
[me] ok <hangs>
This was it – He just told me that a cancer patient, that now also has DVT, DOES NOT NEED a diet restriction of any type. Now, I thought there could only be one of three scenarios at play here:
- He’s too old – He’s numb to the many cases he has seen over his professional life, and probably has seen much worse, so he is so far away from ”panic mode” by default
- He doesn’t care – He’s been rid of every inch of professional integrity over the years of his life, that now he only sees people as money
- He might care, but he’s brainwashed already – It’s not him, at worst he’s treating the job as a job, but it’s generally the case that this industry is fundamentally evil, it standardizes and de-standardizes protocols, practices, and meds only according to profit, and it won’t stop
After this incident, we booked an appointment with one of the best nutritionists. She would meet with my mother for once every couple weeks over 4 months. During these few months, her approach to her nutrition completely changed. The professional nutritionist did what I wished I could’ve done with my limited knowledge for the past 2 years. She went from knowing the basics, to incorporating the right food groups and taking the right supplements. She is now also used to intermittent fasting as part of her lifestyle. As a result of this change, she started improving. She became healthier, more immune, and generally better. Furthermore, her socials feed is now about nutrition & fitness, a thing I couldn’t have dreamed about 2 years ago.
So through a first-hand experience, it became clear to me that it’s actually #3 for this doctor we were consulting. Big Pharma is rigged. I can’t stress this enough – Here in Egypt for example, most doctors we care to consult are the old ones. Because we trust they have seen a lot; these people have probably been consultants & specialists for so long that they sure know everything, right? That’s the biggest part of the problem. The standard IS FLAWED. Orthodox Medicine CAN NOT BE TRUSTED anymore.
After I dug deep in learning about cancer treatment, I knew quite well that chemo & radiation are NOT the best ways to treat cancer, in fact they could be two of the worst – BUT NO ONE would actually dare think that amidst panic when the standard that’s being taught over generations is presented front & clear. Truth is a lonely and unprofitable business. In the end, I couldn’t ask for anything more if she’s well & healthy, but we paid around 1M egp for what I now unhesitatingly believe is an immune system destruction protocol.
In the big picture, it doesn’t seem that patients are pre-destined to suffer, but the current orthodox medicine sure enough makes it the case. The average weak patient in panic mode is basically devoured by Big Pharma. And because the body has a natural ability to heal itself – It could pretty much be the case that they feed them poison AND they manage to survive. The worst part about this is that this cure success in most cases shouldn’t be credited to the industry standards, but it sure is, every time. It’s not the case of the patient being brainwashed, it’s a case of the LOCAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS being brainwashed, which is clearly reflected in the standard protocols.
People rush to consume all kinds of pills when they experience even the slightest inconvenience. For example, several case studies exist about how the abuse of antibiotics could end our bodies abilities to deal with some infections. Because new bacteria evolve as a direct result of the abuse of antibiotics, and when this does happen, it doesn’t matter if the new evolved bacteria infects an antibiotic abuser or not. The death toll of this type of infection is comparable to that of covid (though not a virus), yet nobody talks about it.
Everywhere, everyone is talking about pills. But almost NO ONE is talking about food, natural healing, touching the ground, sun exposure, or practicing the fundamentals. Doctors add good sleep, sun exposure, and hydration as footnotes to their prescriptions, even though these things are the biggest factors in whatever prescription they’re giving. In many cases, PILLS ARE POISON. We shouldn’t mess with pills unless we’re cornered, which I quite understand could be the case at many times. But PILLS SHOULD NOT BE A STANDARD. The best thing about the fundamentals, is that they work regardless of the patient’s history, allergies, or state. [Link, Link]
“People are fed by the food industry, which pays no attention to health, and treated by the health industry, which pays no attention to food” – Wendell Berry
It’s a vicious cycle! Food industry doesn’t care about disease, to promote food profits, and pharma doesn’t care about food, to promote drug profit. I don’t know HOW CAN ANYONE not see it? How can anyone not see the correlation between something you put in your body everyday and not pay attention to it when there exists ANY type of problem with that very body? If your car’s engine got fucked up, the first thing you’ll clearly think about is oil. But instead, we see people continue to take the same drugs, to continue eating the same food. How is that NOT brainwash?
By now I think I’ll have to live with that. But I will not ever forgive myself or the system for what my mother had to go through. Especially after I read stories for cancer patients who got rid of it in much simpler ways. And again I have no reason not to believe these stories nor trust that chemo is only standardized for its high cost disregarding its catastrophic consequences on the body after what we have seen and have been through. That said she’s the strongest person I’ve seen in my entire life. She bounced back from every setback, and she made it look like it was nothing. She didn’t complain, she didn’t even talk about it that much(!), she wasn’t part of any support group, and she went through it all by herself. I don’t think I’ll ever see that again, and I don’t even have the right words to describe it.
Systemized shutting down of the body doesn’t stop at medical protocols & pharmaceutical pills. With some digging I found some umbrellas under which many of the daily toxins we use, touch, or ingest, largely & slowly contribute to mass deterioration of health beyond what I possible can wrap my head around – Some examples:
- Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF)
- Fluoride
- Microplastics
- Testosterone-dropping food & products
I intend to write a separate post about each of these, with multiple references. I learned about an app called Think Dirty that scans the barcode of any household product and gives you a score of toxicity, from 0 to 10. I used it for a while on basic stuff and the results were jaw-dropping.
The reason this is alarming for me, is that for years I was under the impression that full control over diet meant full control over health, which is easily false in every sense of the word. I hate to admit it but chances are my health is in a much dire position than I used to think. We can’t see inside our bodies so we can’t know for sure what are the implications of everything we’re consuming. List goes on, but I only flagged some question marks that happen to be the most important of the list.
How deeply intertwined is someone’s religious/spiritual orientation and their perception of reality
All of the discussed points above were just open loops in my mind, I continued to have them, but also continued to ignore the only two things that could possibly provide good answers: politics & religion.
So while I never had the answers I wished I had, something was off, and this feeling of discomfort continued to intensify throughout 2023, particularly late at night when I’m all alone by myself, or when I’m standing in the middle of the mall where life & people seem so fast, but also so wrong. Life seemed like I have to be always pulling AGAINST the current, because the current is wrong & misleading in every sense. Now if this makes me come off as the over-thinker, that’s because I’m one. And it made my frustration of HAVING TO PULL AGAINST everything normal to be constantly increasing. Imagine you’re in a game, and the only way you stay alive and successful is DO THE OPPOSITE of the rules & guidelines stated at the start, crazy right?
I’m not writing this just to flag an emergency about how dire the situation is. But the way I think about it is, in order to create change, and move to a better land, we’ll have to navigate some parts of our current one.
So what changed? Suddenly, and overnight, education about politics became an emergency. During October, I abruptly spent tens of hours getting educated about geopolitics. All of a sudden everything seemed so clear. I just didn’t previously dig enough, but everything was there. And it’s no surprise that all of these open-ended questions are connected, to each other, and to the root of all evil.
A relatable comment I read on Instagram said: “I can tell you but it will fuck up your entire year”. I feel this was exactly the state I was left in for weeks. Something I previously noticed, is that people who knew about the new world order, didn’t actually stop talking about the new world order. They saw it in everything; how governments operate, and how we’re being actively manipulated. Quite paradoxical how governments were invented to prevent people from killing each other over resources yet end up being the very ones doing the same thing for the same reason. It might appear that corruption is an outlier behavior, but turns it’s actually the mainstream. Turns it’s quite rare for someone in power not to be corrupt in contrary to popular belief, I presume. I think it’s not a matter of naivety but common sense; “we vote for these people” you might think. I knew NWO existed but I didn’t care to know more about it until now.
It’s normally intuitive to imagine the limits behind the motives of someone who’s good, but impossible to grasp the limits of evil. Evil can not be fully intuited, or absorbed. No amount of “truth” can put evil in context. That’s what I’ve come to believe in. In fact I don’t buy the label “conspiracy theory” behind lots of conspiracies. If anything I believe lots of them are straight out facts, labelled as theories to keep them in the vague. A “conspiracy theory” label implies “complicated”, which makes sense for lots of crazy theories, but is also an absurd condensation to lots of real-life facts that we are living today.
From someone who never cared about anything beside science & tech, politics is a whole new land, here’s how this learning process typically unfolds:
- Learning about history: events, wars, revolutions
- Learning about geopolitics: land & resources, interests & conflicts
- Learning about governments: political parties & alliances, media & mind control
- Learning about money: banks, corporations, power & greed
- Learning about the spiritual battle on Earth between Good & Evil
It wasn’t until recently when, by way of connecting the dots, presenting the data, and doing lots of independent research, I came across a revelation that blew my mind, and would possibly forever change the way I look at some certain things:
- The word “Devil” represents the collective consciousness of the evil in men
- The grand game played by The Evil is threefold, particularly one that aims for full enslavement of the mind, body, and soul
- Governments are not controlling people; governments are controlled by people to control other people
- At the top of the pyramid lies people of finance, not people of politics – So people who control the central banks and the central bank of the central banks; they’re the financiers of every lie we’ve ever lived, including wars & revolutions, WWI & II, Covid, 9/11, the zionist occupation of Palestine, and a long scary list – It might sound unrealistic that some of the most world-changing events are made up, because lots of people wouldn’t see the reason behind it, but it’s an unfortunate truth, along with many other shocking ones
- While there is a consensus understanding about how a few families run the world (the financiers), the later -and most effective- stages of societal destruction happen on their own without the interference of anybody. Meaning that while a few people have dark motives to put the agendas in place, the consequences of their evil is beyond the control of anyone, including them, so most of the evil we’re experiencing is the auto-pilot mode of a grand self-destruction machine that everyone is already part of
- Brainwash doesn’t seem like so – To the point that people would defend their views they gained through deliberate brainwash in response to claims against brainwash
- There’s a constant spiritual battle on Earth between Good & Evil – This idea is so important, because it can be seen in everything, and once you see it, you cannot escape it – This puts in context the explanation for lots of unexplained things, and makes it easier to digest the depth of Evil & intended destruction of God’s creation on Earth
- Your spiritual orientation & understanding of God is the one & only way for salvation – You can choose to wander but everything will eventually bring you back here
- Connection with the divine will rescue you from being lost in a system that’s carefully designed to make use of your weaker states – No amount of physical and/or mental strength could be enough if you are not spiritual, because you wouldn’t know when is “enough”
- A full detox/unplugging from the system is almost impossible; beating the old conditioning is a task that will probably take you a few years; might even be more
- A detox protocol would demand uncomfortable changes, and would involve the mind, heart, and soul altogether at the same time, but its implementation is of utmost priority. Detox is in itself a purpose; one of the most noble ones
- Unlearning starts with your life purpose, the bigger picture, all the way to your daily life, the smaller one
- Detoxification is an on-going process that shall never end, and you’d ideally want to embrace it in all aspects of your life if you want it to be effective
- The concept of “Energies” is real – At anytime, you’re either bringing yourself towards higher frequencies or lower frequencies, nothing you do or say doesn’t move you in the same direction of its energy – This is reflected in every aspect of your life
These learnings came at an extreme psychological cost.
Am I okay paying it? Yes.
Do I advise anyone to fetch for nothing but the truth? No.
Is the truth obvious? No.
Is it able to make you hate living if you were not cautious? Yes.
Do we have to be dead serious about it? No.
These learnings might seem like a few, or might seem like a lot, but they’re enough to change my perspective of my daily life, forever. For the record, I knew most of this stuff earlier, but I almost never had it in context, I knew bits & pieces about random things, I wasn’t educated and I’m probably still not, but this was enough for me to question the reality behind many things.
Now that I’m one, I understand how some people seem to be always skeptic of everything. They question everything and they’re always looking for ways to be least affected by the pressures of the system. A spot where it’s not easy to be at by modern standards, definitely.
“so most of the evil we’re experiencing is the auto-pilot mode of a grand self-destruction machine that everyone is part of” → This idea is bluntly explained in the new movie “Leaving the world behind”, and it couldn’t be explained any clearer:
“A conspiracy theory about a shadowy group of people running the world is far too lazy of an explanation, especially when the truth is much scarier: No one is in control”
This is often called truth in plain sight – Several opinions about this movie! Being produced by Michelle Obama’s production company, it quite clearly is more than a random film. Everything about it is here for a reason, and the term “evil cabal” that runs the world is still oddly new to many people, but it’s no surprise that the film depicts the collapse of the united states in light of everything that’s happening now in the world. It’s also funny that in the movie, they call this collapse “the state of the world”, when in fact it anticipates how the fall of the unites states would look like.
Paying extreme close attention to everything, it doesn’t seem that the movie is far-fetched though. Personally after covid, I believe that nothing is far-fetched anymore. My grandparents wouldn’t have thought that we were part of a man-made experiment that locked us down in our homes for 5 months.
When I zoomed in, it made me uncomfortable, I had lots of nightmares, I was consumed. Oftentimes my brain was shocked, I was sometimes worried for the entire day, but I’d wake up fine the following day. But now fighting the norm has a whole different taste to it, now that you at least know what you’re up against.
This also made me realize I’m in a very weak spot, spiritually & religiously – Over the course of 7 years I jumped head first into science and technology and I wouldn’t even question if there’s more to life, or the meaning behind it. Tech can’t be stopped and no amount of wealth is ever going to be enough, but isn’t that dangerous when you got no compass?
When you realize that no amount of wealth could be enough, you could start to lose purpose, and when you lose purpose, this could eat you alive – This is honestly the worst spot anyone could be in, nothing is worse for your well-being than losing meaning or purpose to live.
And then it occurred to me that this exactly might be the whole intention of all evil.
"Hope inspires people and makes them achieve sometimes impossible victories. Dark forces hate hope, and by all means they try to uproot hope from the hearts of people. When hope is cut off, man turns into a slave of dark forces or the slave of chaos. A hopeless person is like a trapped animal in the hands of his physical, emotional, and mental enemies " – Torkom Saraydarian
I now honestly believe that finding my way back to God is the single most important task I might have in this life. It’s the only point where I could be able to make sense of everything I know of. No amount of security beats the peace you gain when you know you’re close to God at all times. It feels like a new lens to the same world, one that is suddenly helping you see sharper. When you implicitly know why we’re here, what’s our purpose, suddenly even the darkest of things are starting to make sense; it feels like movie mode, everything clicks and connects together so magically. And that’s why I’m so big about it, because now I know that that is the only lens that could possibly help, when every other lens failed me.
This also made me realize that growing is not the same as awakening. They’re different but equally important. Awakening is the state of seeing things for what they really are, bit by bit. Awakening is an iterative process that almost never ends, and is the exact same thing that enables you to ask the right questions when you see fit. Not only that, but there’s also levels to it.
Awakening is when you move towards the absolute Truth created by God. Everyday you move a little closer, see a little clearer, and know a little better. There exists therein no absolute state of knowing, but only a forever-changing view that helps you lead a life of peace, tranquility, and purpose.
Awakening takes time, for it’s a direct result of your spiritual work. It happens once you realize that this connection is your only salvation. And that you’ve been living in a pool of lies since birth. Even lots of facts about religion itself were lies often delivered by people who never once question whether they’ve been lied to.
Some people might find this crazy but I assure you it’s not. This is coming from someone who is extremely analytical, skeptical, rational, and not easy to take anyone for their word.
Some people might think this is some form of a rage! A rage against systems that have been in place for 100s of years, or even against species that we don’t know of. But in reality it’s a rage against people that are made from the same matter that we’re made of. These are people like us. The “evil” isn’t just some spirit, but rather it represents the collective consciousness of evil, greed, & dishonor in men.
I have always been someone who values the truth above anything else. And in hindsight it seems it was inevitable I’d come across the dark side of things. I now believe many people do, but choose to stay silent about it, for the sake of numbness, or to protect their interests, or whatever.
I also believe that everyone involved in a greedy system doesn’t have to be IN ON IT for the system to achieve its goals. This is a very important idea because, for example, lots of people in Big Pharma or Modern Medicine don’t have to know the exact details of the agenda. I don’t believe doctors are necessarily evil; I don’t believe politicians are necessarily evil; but rather I believe many people don’t know that they are or once were being exploited. And even when they know, most of them are already so dumb & controlled that they seldom have the freedom to act upon it. Puppets are needed for the system, and there are no upper limits to where the puppets shall be placed, e.g: potus is a puppet; even worse, it seems this has been the case for so long.
How to unplug?
For long I thought I was on the right track just by ignoring anything happening that I can’t control. My north star was always “A lifelong pursuit of wisdom and freedom” – That’s what always motivated me to know, learn, or do. I was thinking that desynthesizing myself was the right thing to do in order to make that happen. Then turns out it was only half of it. By now every part of me believes a continuous state of optimism is only half wisdom. The other half is The Truth, with everything it might hold. This saying from “First Reformed” couldn’t be put more precisely:
Wisdom is holding two contradicting truths in our mind simultaneously: Hope & Despair.
Absolute wisdom is just the complementary dance between peak dark & peak light.
An extremely positive outlook on the state of things could help drive you so far, but isn’t in itself a good indicator of a sound understanding. You have to taste what it means to be part of a world where not so many good things are going on, then you have to accept it, and then you have to wake up the following day and resume with life & work.
You have to continuously find the purpose behind everything that you’re doing, and every motive to be at a destination you once thought was worthy.
AI, for example, is a good subject to understand this. One valid hypothesis is telling us to stop working on it. Now. And the other side is hoping for a much better future because of it. Several functions about our lives could massively suffer if we chose to adopt one of them, yet so much more to gain if we chose to understand & adopt both.
Similarly, I believe any motive or purpose in my life would halt if I didn’t break free from all the truth I’ve been learning. It has to co-exist with purpose just so we can call it a vehicle that’s moving towards wisdom, or else we might fail miserably.
It’s quite tricky because I found that people that choose not to know about things, i.e live in denial, they don’t get it either. That’s still not a spot I’d like to be at, despite the consequences. So by first-hand experience I’m learning what it means to hold both dark & light, hope & despair, as a lens of wisdom.
Hope certainly has a great effect on our emotions, our glands, and our behavior. Hope can change the chemistry of the secretions of the glands and the condition of the blood circulation. It releases energy and actively gives us courage and strength. Hope creates a frame of mind in which a man searches and strives continuously to find a solution. And most importantly, hope creates a sphere of consciousness in which negative thought forms cannot breed.
There are 3 types of influential people:
- The first kind are those who speak about doom, dystopia, and final destruction; who pump fear into the hearts of people, using fear to control or exploit them. Some of these people are false prophets. Some of them are pessimists. Some of them have hidden interests behind their words. They spread poison, and this poison affects your nervous system and your heart and breaks your soul.
- The second kind are those who are very rosy and always overly optimistic. Everything is beautiful and just right for them. They are satisfied with life. No matter what happens, they feel safe, content, and happy. Such people allow evil to spread roots and branch out in such an immensity that people of goodwill find themselves incapable of fighting against it and stopping its growth. Such people are either optimistic fools or cowards who choose denial; an easy way out.
- The third kind are those who see the danger, the corruption, the pollution, and the evil of totalitarianism and take conscious action to prevent its expansion, without pessimism but with inflamed optimism. They see the situation clearly. They see the difficulties and obstacles on the path. They see the growing power of evil; but they never lose their hope of victory over evil. They feel that all events going on upon Earth are watched by God. They know that there exist higher resources of energy which, in unexpected times, come to the rescue. The substance of hope makes such rescue-work possible.
Hope is a subconscious confidence that all possibilities exist. While your concrete mind gives up, your subjective mind still searches for a solution or an answer. Such labor is called hoping.
What does this mean? It means that I learned it’s okay to be curious to know the truth behind some certain things even if they’re dark, as long as I know my purpose quite well. Because in which case this could be the real key to wisdom: Dark + Light ☯
I also learned that “what you can control” could help you hold your ground, which would subsequently help achieve the goal we want: Wisdom & Freedom.
So what can you control?
- Circadian Rhythm
- Clean Eating
- Hydration
- Lower media consumption
- Sunlight
- Walking barefoot on the grass / sand
- Lower screentime
- Daily Prayers
- Meditation / Breathwork
- Lower dependency on medications & pills
- Zero sugar, seed oils, & processed food
- Reading
- Writing
- Practicing gratitude
- Social fulfillment
- Daily work / job
- Where do you live
- Who do you connect with
- Physical Exercise
- Outdoor time
- Self-awareness
Is it just these? Yes.
Are these enough to undo a good percentage of the damage? Yes.
Are these easy to implement? No.
Would doing some of these feel lonely? Yes.
Do many people talk about this? No.
Is modern tech more of enabling or disabling these? Disabling.
How long would it take to be used to doing them? A lot.
It’s actually quite alarming how most of the basics are not discussed anymore anywhere. At the same time we got recommendations for lots of everyday crap that is seemingly healthy; but no one talks about the fundamentals anymore. The real health protocol.
Noticed how the basic stuff on this list could actually your detox body, mind, and soul, with possibly less effort than what you could possibly imagine?
It’s surprising how many of this stuff naturally puts restrictions on many of the things you were used to doing everyday (processed food, processed media, etc etc) – It’a no wonder how modern lifestyles are naturally discouraging these basics more and more. As we get more comfortable and more advanced, we’re being detached from nature and everything that it has to offer.
To be away from nature is to be away from God. And our new lens now explains this quite well. Everything has become so artificial, modernized, and processed; slowly leaking the damage to our minds & bodies, sometimes without us even noticing. If the answer lies in the basics, then it’s quite obvious that modernization of certain aspects is more dangerous than useful, and that we might as well be alert as we possibly can.
I’m not saying that panic is the answer, but questioning everything + implementing the basics is at least guaranteed to give you a life of peace & purpose. A life that can actually amount to something and where you can feel safe raising an offspring.
Hope turns into a destructive tension when freedom is taken away. Hopeless people serve the forces of destruction. Try to see positive elements in any person or event, knowing that often negative elements are just servants to positive elements.
Three cases of interpretations to the same event often co-exist. In the first case, people are deeply caught in the evil rabbit hole; they are frozen and motionless, and they conclude that it is the end of the world. In the second case, people are indifferent to suffering, loss, and aftershocks; they’re content because they either think that the event had no effect on them or they’re in complete denial. In the last case, people realize the seriousness of the event, but they can see a way out of it.
Few months ago I was so caught up in the rabbit hole, there were some days when I would read about covid vaccines and feel like I’m losing hope for everything, I stopped training, and I kept reading about detox from vaccines for days long. It wasn’t healthy and it was destructive.
Hope is not an emotional attitude, but a clear mental model, charged with courage and determination to achieve. Every time we read the news we say "That is it. The end is not far away." This is how we slide downhill and lose our hope. But fact is the world has been like this for so long, so most of this is not new.
I’m now kind of celebrating how much of these open loops are closed with this dissertation.
Truth is a lonely & unprofitable business. So while truth is not easy to spot, great truths often reveal themselves in great shocks. Nevertheless, my belief is still firm that since our time on this Earth is limited, we might as well seek the balance that would help us lead the life we want, even if what we want could change every day.
I have always used this website as a platform to deconstruct topics I care about to their most basic form. This is crucial to maintain a body of work that I can build upon as my understanding about these topics strengthens over time. In that regard, I consider many of my posts, including this one, incomplete, forever.
Thanks for reading!