24Sep22 | I’m joining ‘Write of Passage’24Sep18 | Books, House, Weights24Jul19 | Some thoughts on leaving my job of 4 years24Jun21 | Life’s work > Work-life balance24Jun17 | Momentum > Consistency24May31 | 28 lessons from my 28th year24May19 | Are you watching from the sidelines24May12 | Why does 30 feel like a deadline24May11 | 1 year of Hyperspaces24May01 | The greatest tweet of all-time24Apr28 | We are all guilty24Apr24 | Hackers, Engineers, Scientists24Apr22 | Search anything you do24Apr11 | Events as fundamental units of the timeline24Mar28 | Time as a computing platform24Mar17 | You only have to be right once24Mar12 | 1 year of the microblog 🎉24Feb03 | Tools for thought24Jan24 | Data Science + Health24Jan01 | Why I don’t have new years resolutions anymore23Dec30 | How to unplug?23Nov23 | The Merit of Independence23Oct31 | Role of modern music in brainwashing23Oct28 | About Mental Health: How to journal about “bad” life events?23Oct11 | About Mental Health: Navigating our darkest moments23Oct09 | About Mental Health: The curse of knowledge23Oct05 | Hyperspaces FAQs23Sep28 | Only way out is within23Sep26 | 2023 gave me my biggest achievement so far23Sep13 | The simplest Second Brain setup possible23Sep12 | The “Why” & “How” to hack through your life’s timeline23Sep07 | Respect > Money23Sep02 | What successful people have to say about fulfillment23Sep01 | The Focus Pyramid23Aug28 | Lessons from Replit Founder Amjad Masad23Aug27 | Money = Time23Aug25 | 4 subscription services that are worth every penny23Aug21 | Why 20-somethings shouldn’t be obsessed with investing23Aug15 | The 3 Generations of Self-Knowledge Tools23Aug14 | Who we are is defined by what we sacrifice23Aug13 | The Three Search Problems23Aug02 | How to talk to ChatGPT | For Devs23Jul25 | How to smell bad intention?23Jul16 | Reading & writing as form of time travel23Jul06 | Why “Threads” was due23Jun28 | I sat down with a YC grad for 90 minutes23Jun19 | I have tried every journal app that exists23Jun16 | 90% of our problems are not new23Jun11 | 100 days towards controlling the dopamine frenzy23May23 | Dahab May’23 | Trip in numbers23May21 | On Good Living: How to put things into context?23May20 | Smarter daily reports: Your self-tracking assistant23May15 | What I’m working on & why I became interested in time travel23May10 | Way to win at any game is be free of it23apr26 | Best sleep position for back support23apr25 | May not seem like it yet, but the world is drastically changing23Apr24 | Self-tracking + Rotated Focus23Apr15 | Time travel by means of searching anything you read, write or say23apr11 | Your current focus is either local or global23Apr06 | Working with the garage door open23apr05 | World only fulfills when your vision is razor-sharp23apr03 | A Subtle Theory of Love | Pt.I: Chemistry & Timelines23apr02 | Figma for thoughts23mar28 | Startups vs “Indie Hacking” for SaaS23mar25 | About this microblog23mar24 | Staying productive in Ramadan23mar20 | How much could we potentially lose for ego?23Mar11 | Project Visuals23Mar10 | All makes sense in hindsight23mar09 | Chat at 7fortunes23mar08 | Importance of a review system23mar04 | What’s the endgame?23Feb23 | Why daily routines & systems suck23Jan19 | By now we already know the world ain’t fair, but let me explain why, one last time22Dec29 | Creating good memories22Dec13 | #everythingisconnected22Oct15 | How to optimize for luck, and why success is more luck than hard work22Oct13 | About being multi-dimensional22Sep21 | What I learned in the $1500 program: Building a Second Brain | The Quickstart22Jul23 | The Creative Capacity22Jul11 | 26 lessons I learned during my 26th year22Jun22 | Tips for juniors in Tech | Get into Startups – Egypt Version22May26 | Nutrition guide for those getting into lifting22May01 | This month I spent over 30 hours revamping my digital workspace in macOS22Mar30 | Why we suck at ignoring the past | Sunk Cost Fallacy22Mar24 | On Cognitive Biases: The Overconfidence Effect22Mar13 | On Cognitive Biases: The Confirmation Bias21Nov24 | You just gotta chill - Tame your mind 10121Sep04 | Book Highlights: The Psychology of Money21Jun12 | Digital note-taking for enhancing creative output21Jun08 | The world never rewards an imposter21May28 | Visual snapshots as form of time travel21Apr25 | A calm mind is a superpower21Apr21 | Exploration vs exploitation in careers21Apr03 | Limiting desires for a quality life21Mar27 | A lesson from my new photographer friend21Mar06 | Discussing "Permissionless Leverage"21Feb27 | The Compounding Effect21Feb20 | Using vulnerability as a tool of connection21Feb13 | About low-fat plant-based diet21Feb06 | The Premise of Acting Quickly20Oct27 | How to see more20Oct12 | Covid-19 is 10-xing the digital transformation19Oct03 | How to hack the educational system